PhD, Researcher

ROS2 CV_Bridge Example in Cpp and Python

In this post, I show how to use cv_bridge in a minimal frames publisher node in ROS2 written in C++. Python code is also included for the relevant part below.

A short usage example. For a full node example, see below.

cv::Mat frame;;

//create ROS2 messages
sensor_msgs::msg::Image _img_msg;
std_msgs::msg::Header _header;
cv_bridge::CvImage _cv_bridge;
_header.stamp = this->get_clock() -> now();
_cv_bridge = cv_bridge::CvImage(_header, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, frame);

_image_publisher_ -> publish(_img_msg);

A full node example.

#include <chrono>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/header.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/image.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.hpp>
#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>

using namespace std::chrono_literals;

class CameraPublisher: public rclcpp::Node

        int cam_id;
        cv::VideoCapture cap;


            this -> declare_parameter("cam_id", 4); //device_id for webcam
            this -> declare_parameter("camera_img_topic", "/camera/color/image_raw"); //frame publish topic name

            //open the video stream
            this -> get_parameter("cam_id", cam_id);
            cap = open_stream(cam_id);

            //create the image publisher and timer
            std::string camera_publish_topic_name;
            this -> get_parameter("camera_img_topic", camera_publish_topic_name);
            _image_publisher_ = this -> create_publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>(camera_publish_topic_name, 1);
            _image_timer_ = this -> create_wall_timer(0.03s, std::bind(&CameraPublisher::publish_frame, this));


        //Opens the camera stream and sets to high resolution.
        cv::VideoCapture open_stream(int cam_id)
  , cv::CAP_V4L2); //CAP_V4L2 is linux only.
            if (!cap.isOpened())
                RCLCPP_ERROR(this->get_logger(), "Camera could not be opened on device id: '%i'", cam_id);

            RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Camera opened on device id: '%i'", cam_id);

            //set resolution
            cap.set(3, 1920);
            cap.set(4, 1080);

            return cap;

        rclcpp::Publisher<sensor_msgs::msg::Image>::SharedPtr _image_publisher_;
        rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr _image_timer_;

        void publish_frame()
            //read camera frame
            cv::Mat frame;
            if (frame.empty()){
                RCLCPP_WARN(this->get_logger(), "Frame data is emtpy");

            //create ROS2 messages
            sensor_msgs::msg::Image _img_msg;
            std_msgs::msg::Header _header;
            cv_bridge::CvImage _cv_bridge;
            _header.stamp = this->get_clock() -> now();
            _cv_bridge = cv_bridge::CvImage(_header, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8, frame);

            _image_publisher_ -> publish(_img_msg);


int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
  return 0;

Next add the required packages to CMakeLists.txt. In this case, my program name is camera_publisher_cpp, which may be different for you.

find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)
find_package(std_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(sensor_msgs REQUIRED)
find_package(cv_bridge REQUIRED)

add_executable(camera_publisher_cpp src/camera_publisher.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(camera_publisher_cpp rclcpp std_msgs sensor_msgs OpenCV cv_bridge)

install(TARGETS camera_publisher_cpp DESTINATION lib/${PROJECT_NAME})

Finally, update the packages.xml file to add dependencies.


Use colcon build to build your package.


For python, only the cv_bridge part is shown below.

from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image

class FramesPublisher(Node):
    def __init__(self):
        self.bridge = CvBridge()

    def publish_frames(self):
        ret, frame = #opencv returned video frame.
        #convert to ROS2 Image msg.
        img = self.bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(frame, 'bgr8')
        img.header.stamp = self.get_clock().now().to_msg()
        img.header.frame_id = self.camera_name        

Update the package.xml file.


use colcon build to build your package.